An odd mix of science fiction and jungle adventure that is a concoction that only Hollywood would dare give us. What can I say this is wild and wacky and so out there that there is no way that you can't help but enjoy it and its unintentional humor. Kane Richmond leads an expedition to discover the source and runs into the lost city of Liguria and its mad ruler. So bad its good serial concerning magnetic disturbances coming from Africa. It certainly was an interesting few hours.

Also, the strong man in the sparkly suit (who was continuously incompetent) was real kick. I did enjoy William "Stage" Boyd and his manic throwing orders around. By the end you feel like you've been on a roller coaster and need a program to figure the whole thing out. Still it's a bit much, even for a serial. I wondered how long that old scientist would survive being picked up and carted around. It had to have been made up from one day to the next. Anyway, it was kind of cool to see the old guy, with his scruffy beard, playing a pretty significant role. He was there with the late singer, Johnny Horton, and called us all a bunch of young whippersnappers. Paul Pioneer Press to go to the Minnesota State Fair and meet Gabby Hayes, along with several other boys. When I was a child I sold enough subscriptions to the St. It's about scientists messing with the realm of electricity it's about Arab slave traders it's about zombie black men being made bigger, their brains being canceled out. The bad guys turn good the good guys turn bad they turn back again. There is every conceivable kind of plot development.