Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or experienced tech, we hope you’ll find this guide to be a useful reference. In any r/buildapc thread or Tom’s Hardware Forum, you’re almost more likely to find abbreviations than actual words.īecause of this, we decided to put together a glossary with all of the terms, abbreviations, and brands you’re likely to come across when building a PC.

It’s possible there’s not a hobby in the world with more jargon than that of PC-building circles.

Tracking pixels are also a thing, there not malicious in themselves, but they can potentially let attackers know if you have open an email / let them know the email exist and is active.Check to see if your crypto sites allow a anti-phish banner that displays a code with their emails that you set.Double check the address bar of login pages.Be on the lookout for Phishing emails, I made a post on how to identify phishing emails along with some useful tools here | How to spot a phishing email |.Create an email specifically for Crypto, but also avoid using crypto keywords / personal information in the email, treat your email address like its public information.2FA - This is important, activating 2FA on your email is just as important as having it on exchanges.

You can alternatively also hook up your current email with the Thunderbird email client (use to be managed by Mozilla Firefox) it is overseen by a volunteer board of contributors.If you want to get more into privacy and encrypting emails there is Protonmail or Preveil.Any reputable email provider with 2FA will do.After that post I set out to make the most complete guide yet on securing your account and listing the resources needed. My last post on securing accounts got a lot of attention, and there was also a lot of feedback and recommendations to add and consider. Background: I currently work for a fortune 100 company's Computer Security Incident Response Team, I work specifically on detect and response which includes business email compromises, responding to phishing emails and malware within the organization, while documenting the process.